Welcome to Coaching Sense

For those of you new to the concept of coaching please stay and find out more – it could open up a whole new world to you.

If like me, however, you have already benefited from the coaching experience and personal development world and want to continue the journey all I can say is brilliant.

My name is Joe Marr and I am a Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Higher Self Healing Therapist and Life Coach based in Buckingham, North Bucks more details of which can be found on this site.

All sounding very impressive but I’m sure all you want to know at this stage is what it means in practical terms.

The therapy and coaching is designed to help the client find the solution that is right for them and teach positive techniques they can use to build upon in the future. Many celebrities and professional people already appreciate the benefits of coaching on a one to one basis.

Life will always present its problems, challenges and opportunities but you can choose how you deal with them.

Coaching can help provide more inner resources, which are needed for a happier stress free life style.

Take a moment to stop and think about your current life style, what positive improvements if any could you make?

One to one confidential coaching – could it be just what you have been looking for?

The whole experience of coaching was best described in my view by a client who said, “It’s the best gift you can give yourself”.

It’s not uncommon that as your own well-being and happiness increase, the positive effects are reported to also benefit family and friends. If, when you have looked at the rest of the web site, you have any further questions regarding the coaching sessions please contact us.
